SEHO on Air
Our podcast about innovative soldering technologies, creative automation technology and AOI solutions.

Welcome to SEHO on Air!
Our experts discuss the daily challenges in electronics manufacturing
Our podcast is all about innovative soldering technologies, creative automation technology, AOI solutions especially for THT manufacturing AND our passion for electronics production.
Our experts discuss the daily challenges in electronics manufacturing, the latest developments in production technology and current topics from research. Compact and to the point.
You can listen to our podcast directly here or on all popular podcast platforms (no account required).
Episode 7: In conversation with … Juergen W. Wagner I Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co. KG
Juergen W. Wagner is process technologist at automotive supplier Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co. KG in Dortmund, Germany. His expertise, including at Kostal in China, forms the basis for an exciting discussion on the topic of wave soldering.
The focus of this podcast episode with Juergen Wagner and Arne Neiser, Product Manager Wave and Reflow Soldering at SEHO, is the challenges of modern power electronics for electromobility and the role that wave soldering plays in this.
How can machine technology help to make these processes more efficient and sustainable? Keywords such as flexible systems, high degrees of freedom in process design and intelligent, efficient preheating processes are at the center of the discussion.
Episode 6: In conversation with … Markus Hermann I Siemens AG, Erlangen
Markus Hermann, responsible process technologist at Siemens AG in the Erlangen equipment plant, which is part of the Motion Control unit, and Arne Neiser, product manager for wave and reflow soldering as well as MES solutions at SEHO, discuss the possible applications for classic wave soldering and the differentiation from the selective soldering process.
What measures is Siemens Erlangen currently taking together with SEHO to improve the energy balance of wave soldering systems and how are other sustainability issues being implemented?
Another focus topic of this podcast episode is the digitalization strategy that Siemens Erlangen is consistently pursuing.
Episode 5: AOI made by SEHO
AOI systems have been finding their way into THT production for several years and SEHO was actually one of the first manufacturers to come onto the market with a system that is specifically tailored to the THT sector.
In this podcast we discuss what advantages result from an AOI process in the THT production and which characteristics a system should have.
Episode 4: Research in the field of AI
In this podcast we take a look into the future. Dr. Andreas Reinhardt, Head of R&D at SEHO, and Nils Thielen, Head of Research at FAPS, Universitiy of Erlangen-Nuremberg, discuss the use of artificial intelligence in electronics manufacturing. Which are the challenges? What are possible solutions? And how is an AI model created, for example?
Episode 3: Look in the past
Although the focus of our podcast is on technology and engineering, and in some episodes we will also take a look into the future, today we look at SEHO’s past. There are also some interesting things to discover here, not least some exciting patents.
Episode 2: Process stability in selective soldering
Zero-defect manufacturing is the goal of every electronics production. A stable process is essential. Using the example of a selective soldering system, we discuss in this episode to what extend the soldering system monitors itself and, in the best case, also corrects itself so that a defect-free electronic assembly leaves the system at the end of the process chain.
Episode 1: Energy efficiency
In view of climate change and dwindling resources, the topic of energy efficiency is one of the top issues in industry and politics. This topic is also strategically important in the electronics industry, because where printed circuit boards and components are brought together, things get hot. And hot means energy.
In this podcast episode, we discuss what SEHO has already implemented in this sector to realize sustainable manufacturing.